The Lake
- ThailandAustralia
- 2023
- ThrillerScience fiction
- Lee ThongkhamAqing Xu
- Chakrit BoonkeawNaiyana BumeeWanmai ChatborirakPalita ChueasawatheeWang DongpingLamyai HaithongkhamSu JackZang JinshengChartchai KetnustManatsanan KeyataSompong KunaprathomSushar ManayingNuttawut NakpanChananchida PandeeVithaya PansringarmNopparit PhongkhanaXu QianOunruan Rachote
A girl finds a strange egg and brings it back to her village, only to later realize it was from a monster. Now a giant monster emerges from the lake to search for the egg, destroying the town and its inhabitants.
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