Dylan Boehm movie list

Dylan Boehm is an actor based out of Dallas, Texas. He is known for his role as Dominic Alves in "Elegy" on Tubi and AppleTv+. He is also known for his upcoming roles as Trent Payton in "Somebody's Watching Me" and Todd Peterson in "Bull Shark 2". Dylan Boehm was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. His love for being in-front of the camera started when he was a child, where he began his acting and model training at a school known as Accents Model and Talent Center and soon after began working in New York City for a children's talent agency. Years later, Dylan enrolled in classes at a talent center known as Image International Model and Talent Center in 2020 where he began his adult career. After a year and being recently graduated from community college, he enrolled in the acting program at the KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts and moved to Dallas, Texas in 2021.