Santiago Ortiz-Monasterio movie list

Film producer with 15 years of experience. Specializing in film production at the Cinematographic Training Center (CCC). He produced the short films Cuanajillo: The Story Without Water (winner FICM), Supermodern Times (winner FICM), Gloom (San Sebastián, winner GIFF, best Latin short DGA Student Films Awards), The last night of Silverio Cruz (audience award in Havana). Best Screenplay for Mexican Short Film at the Shorts Mexico Film Festival with Karma. Co-founder of the Filming Commission of Michoacán. He was Director of Co-production and Special Programs in the Public Broadcasting System of the Mexican State (SPR). Michoacán and regional spokesperson at RENACE (National Network of State Cinematographies). Line producer of I Love Eve, Lonely Stars, The voice of a dream, Una Great Movie, Guadalupe Reyes and The Girl Who Cleans. He produced Tripping-Thru Keta (FICM, Transilvania IFF, Cinequest), Infection (Blood Window, FICG, SITGES, Raindance, Rojo Sangre, Transylvania, BIFF, BIFAN) and the feature film documentary Tales to Remember. He is currently delegate producer of Bunker, a series for Warner Media, in post-production of the feature film The Octopus Skin and in development of the series BLOOPERS and 10 commandments to forget.
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