Brian Villalobos movie list

Brian Villalobos was born in Orlando, Florida, but moved frequently as a child, with stops in Georgia, Costa Rica, Florida (again), and Texas. He is an award-winning actor, writer, and filmmaker who has performed in well over 100 films, commercials, and stage productions, working and appearing alongside such artists as Richard Linklater, Jesse Plemons, Zachary Levi, Bruce Dern, Carrie-Anne Moss, Thomas Haden Church, Catherine Hardwicke, Richard Riehle, Steven He, and Mark "Markiplier" Fischbach. He is the son of Carol Prather, a respiratory therapist and university lecturer, and Alvaro Villalobos, a sales executive. His brother, Michael Villalobos, is a professional video-game streamer. He has been married to fellow actor Akasha Villalobos since 2007, and lives in Texas with his family, a phalanx of dogs and cats, and a borderline obsession with Paul Verhoeven's Robocop (1987).