Emily Wagner movie list

Emily Wagner was born and raised in New York City's Upper West Side. She began her acting career at age 6 as the youngest member of the theatrical troupe The Merry Mini Players. She starred in the cult 1980s NBC/PBS series High Feather (1980). By the time she arrived at Vassar she had put acting on the back burner in order to focus on a rigorous education. She graduated from Vassar with a BFA degree in Art History and Fine Art. It was there that she also grew serious about creative writing and began to write short stories and plays. She moved to LA where she wrote, produced and starred in films with her brother, noted indie director Andrew Wagner ("Counting," "South Main," "Looking For Jimmy," "The Talent Given Us") and Academy Award nominated writer/actress/director Julie Delpy ("Blah, Blah, Blah," "Looking For Jimmy"), all of which went on to have successful festival runs. She wrote, produced, directed and starred in the popular web-series comedy "Motherhoodlum" on Strike.TV. Emily is perhaps best known for her work on "ER," as paramedic Doris Pickman, whom she played for the entire 15 season-run of the show. She received glowing reviews for her starring roles in Andrew Wagner's "The Talent Given Us" ( Sundance, 2007) and in "Chronic Town" alongside Garry Marshall and Paul Dooley ( Sundance, 2008). More recently, she appeared in Todd Phillips' "Due Date" with Robert Downey Jr and in Julie Delpy's "2 Days in New York" (Sundance 2012). In 2021, Emily will be seen in Julie Delpy's Netflix series debut, "On The Verge" playing the role of Joan.