Michael Joseph movie list

Michael Joseph was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and his ancestry is Dutch and Polish. Michael attended The University of Oklahoma where he received a bachelor's degree. While studying business and marketing he booked his first television commercial and had the acting bug from that point on. After college Michael relocated to Florida where he began booking work in the modeling industry. Michael booked jobs for companies such as American Crew, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Club Monaco and Schwarzkopf Professional. Upon moving back to Los Angeles, where Michael spent part of his childhood, he immersed himself into the Los Angeles theater scene to perfect his craft. One of Michael's notable roles, in the theatre, was as John The Baptist in Oscar Wilde's "Salome" at The Luna Playhouse in Glendale. Since then Michael has worked as an actor, producer and writer. Two of Michael's films, The Condo and Deadly Reunion are both in post production and will be released in 2016. Alternatively Michael has 2 projects in the script phase, Triumph and Square Fishin' both to be shot this year.