Shaun Parker movie list

Shaun was born the "baby" in a family of 4 children. He followed a storied list of S's that came before him. Steve, Scott and Sue. At an early age, Shaun had an inkling he wanted some form of "limelight", when he would go behind the front window curtains at their home in Neenah, Wis. to sing into the plastic knob at the end of the curtain drawstrings. Even then, Shaun preferred smaller, more "intimate" crowds as he would only allow his mother to view him, anyone else looking behind the curtain would always lead to the typical actors "huff" as he would storm off into another room all willy nilly with rage at being interrupted. His early background was "screwing around" in musicals at Menasha High School and later at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. There, his love of film really came to the fore. After college, Shaun found he might be "kind of funny" and also developed a love for improv by performing first with Theatersports in Oshkosh, and then later with Comedy City in De-Pere, Wisconsin. A few things Shaun feels proud in his life are: taking classes from Keith Johnstone and having had a story he was in on NPR and telling a few stories at the Moth storyslam shows plus having a piece in the long standing Mortified live show. Also Shaun is proud to be a 11th year & running volunteer for the Sundance Film Festival and in 2006 volunteering for the Sundance summer Directors lab.