Alain Blazevic movie list

Alain Blazevic was born in Wiesbaden, Germany to Croatian parents. His father had a construction company, while his mother ran her own successful restaurant. Growing up in Wiesbaden, he completed high school there before moving to Munich to study Law at the Ludwig-Maximillian-University. Having already experienced acting prior to this by performing in a theatre play, it didn't take long before he realized that Law won't be an adequate substitution for the ever more nagging acting-bug. After reading a book about Lee-Strasberg's Method Acting he quit Law, packed his bags and got on a plane to Los Angeles. There he enrolled at the Lee-Strasberg Acting Academy where he completed a full program. Later he added master classes with Richard Pinter in New York to his education. Mr. Pinter was at that time the director of the Neighborhood Playhouse, which was acclaimed for Sanford Meisner's Acting technique. In all these years he went from one odd job to another in order to support himself and finance his studies. Amongst many such occupations he worked as a Herbal-Sales Man at Fair's, painted houses, was a bouncer at clubs, and of course the traditional Waiter, Barman and Restaurant Manager. He started to write screenplays on spec. One such screenplay got him a job as a Ghost-Writer within the Studio System. He kept doing that for several years. After almost thirteen years of living in New York (which he considers his second home) and Los Angeles, working on independent movies and off-Broadway theater projects, he returned to Europe. Establishing a base in Berlin, where he collaborated with a German production company and wrote a screenplay titled 'Nachtrevue' for which he received in 2005 the German FFA Screenwriter's award/funding. Feeling an urge to connect with the roots of his parents' home country, he packed his bags and exchanged the gray Berlin sky for the Mediterranean blue sea of Split, Croatia. In an interview he described this move as purely emotional. There was no evidence that he could make a living being an actor or writer down in Split. He was however fine with that. "Fisherman will do" he said. Croatia, however had other plans for him. Within two years he became an established face on television playing lead roles in several drama series. He expended this newfound joy in acting onto the European market. Playing in German movies and TV series guest starring roles. Venturing into int. Productions all over Europe and even Moscow. Today he lives with his wife Elica in Paris, France. Alain was raised Bi-lingual, speaking both German and Croatian. He also speaks English. Having a Slavic language background, he has with ease acted in Russian and Polish. Needless to say, that living in France he speaks French. He is one of those rare polyglot actors who has an equally universal and adaptable face to go along with it.