Vikas Adam movie list

Vikas Adam was born in British Columbia and lived in various parts of Canada, the US, and a stint in India, before his parents settled in Dallas. After receiving his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting/Directing from Syracuse University, he returned to Dallas and worked professionally as an actor, director, and producer in addition to teaching acting for various non profit arts organizations. He segued into the administrative side as Program Director for Junior Players, Dallas' oldest non profit youth arts organization but continued to garner critical favor as an actor working with some of Dallas' most reputable companies. After a number of successful years, Vikas decided it was time to further his craft and chose to attend the UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television three-year professional program to secure his Master of Fine Arts in Acting. While packing his bags in preparation for his move, Adam appeared on seven episodes of Pink (2007), a Webby Award winning dark comedy series starring Natalie Raitano. Post graduation has seen Vikas appearing on television as well as various web series and indie films, in addition to a successful career as an audiobook narrator.