Amy Savannah movie list

Amy Savannah was born August 7, 1986 in Vallejo, California. At the age 4 she began her stage acting/singing theater career. She has always been very enthusiastic and energetic while performing in front of a camera even from a young age. In 2009 Amy Savannah moved to SLC, Utah where she began her film career. She has worked on several shorts/independent features/landed lead roles continuously. Amy is slowly making her way to the big screen in 2013. She is grateful for all the opportunities and talented individuals she has had a chance to work with recently with Rap Artist Too $hort and landed the role of his girlfriend in the film that was released Nationwide Stop Pepper Palmer. Most recently, Amy Savannah has been making connections which has allowed her new opportunities to several projects in various stages of production. More news to follow throughout 2021 with upcoming show Vice Squad. Amy landed the role of Justine Lewis. Off camera, she loves the outdoors and the adventure it holds..