Jennifer K. Dawson movie list

Jennifer K. Dawson was born in Indianola, Ms on June 6, 1972. She is the middle child of Tommy Dawson and Linda K. Braswell. From a young age Jennifer wanted to be an actress. She started out in plays during high school and then moved on to Community Theater after moving to Gulf Shores, Al upon her high school graduation in 1990. Her first speaking role, after deciding to go after her dream of acting at the age of 39, was Erath Woman in True Detective, Season one, Episode one. She was thrilled beyond measure to be able to work with and get to know Matthew M. and Woody H. during filming. From there she has done numerous roles in Indie films and web series in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. From time to time, she volunteers as a director and teacher of theater arts to students in the community. She is also very active in her church, Anchor Point Church, where she serves on the Hospitality Dream Team. She is also a board member, Hospitality Manager, and Historical Director at the South Baldwin Community Theater, in Gulf Shores, Al. For more information about auditions for projects, please contact her agent, Kimberly Taylor, at KTA Group Talent Agency, posted on this page!
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