Drew Stephenson movie list

Drew Stephenson was born on June 24, 1987, in Brooklyn, NY. He is an actor and software engineer based in Atlanta, Georgia. During his studies at Savannah State University, Stephenson developed a fondness for acting as an elective and landed a role in the university play. The experience evolved into further academic commitments and soon grew into a fully fledged passion. Upon graduation from Georgia Gwinnett College with a Bachelor of Computer Science a few years later, Stephenson pursued software engineering while simultaneously auditioning for TV and film roles. He would land both, signaling the beginning of a career in the entertainment industry. Stephenson's works include TV roles in several TV series along with film roles in the short film Subconscious Hero and upcoming One Heart. His commitment to serving the entertainment industry within a broad and adaptive range is seen through his dynamic acting range befitting various role types, storylines and genres. During his young career, Stephenson hopes to continue to grow and glow on and off the screen while creating businesses and advancing the world forward.