Kajuana S. Marie movie list

At the tender age of 10, Kajuana Shuford Marie attended an open call for the Broadway hit musical the "Lion King". After a series of auditions stretching over a year, and competing with over 3,000 talented children, Kajuana modestly booked and originated the role of young Nala. Many presume Kajuana's unknown passion for acting started at that audition, however friends and family confirmed it started right in her living room, where she created an assemblage of characters and made-up stories that kept them surprisingly entertained. Born and raised in Harlem NY Kajuana's mother, a single parent of three, found free programs in the neighborhood to nourish her daughters talents, programs such as the Ujamaa Black Theatre, Deaf Dance Jam Workshop, Nite Star (w/Kerry Washington), the Mama I want to Sing Foundation, and the choir at church. Marie has since then transitioned into film, working alongside veteran actors such as Alfre Woodard, Loretta Devine, and Josh Mostel. In 2012 Marie graduated Cum Laude from Delaware State University, where she obtained her Bachelors of Science in Community Health. Currently, Kajuana has a pilot in development and has successfully created her own opportunities writing, producing & now directing short films and award-winning web content.