Steve Cirbus movie list

Steve Cirbus was born and raised in western New York about 40 miles south of Buffalo. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in theatre from Buffalo State College and was awarded a scholarship to attend Ohio University where he earned a Master of Fine Arts in Acting under Barbara Redmond. Upon leaving Ohio University he spent a year as an artist in residence under the tutelage of Ed Stern and Charles towers at the Tony Award winning Cincinnati Playhouse. Steve embarked on his professional career as a classical actor spending most of his time playing Shakespeare in some of the oldest and more established Shakespeare festivals and regional theaters on the east coast and in the Midwest. After leaving a teaching assignment in Ohio, Steve immersed himself in the independent film community in New York City. Having done various projects, he gained notice from NBC and was asked to play a guest role on Law and Order; Criminal Intent with Vincent DoNofrio and Chris Noth. In 2004 he brought his idea for "Beat", a film regarding a bare knuckled prize fighter, to Fade To Black Films who later produced it. The film has, since, been nominated for awards and continues to be the company's signature project. In 2005 Steve was awarded Best Breakout Action Star by The Action On Film International Film Festival in Long Beach, California.