James A. Watson Jr. movie list

James A. Watson, Jr. Biography as of Nov. 9, 2014. Mr. Watson has enjoyed a working career through four decades in San Francisco, New York and Hollywood. Having trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (Visiting the U.S.) James has performed with major theater companies such as "The American Conservatory Theater" in San Francisco, and "The Mark Taper Forum" in Los Angeles. Mr. Watson has directed and Produced with his own theater company, appeared in 12 feature films, guest starred and appeared in over 90 television shows, commercials, T.V. films and mini-series. "In the 1970's through the 1980's Mr. Watson established himself as an "A list" actor in demand by the networks, when few roles existed for minority actors. Throughout his experience, Mr. Watson has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award, received a variety of honors and fortunate to co-star with the celebrated talents of Edward G. Robinson, Leslie Caron, Michael Crichton, Mary Tyler Moore, Jamie Foxx, Tom Selleck, Candice Bergen, Redd Foxx, Rob Reiner, James Coburn, Jeff Bridges and Sidney Poitier. Mr. Waston is still pleasing his fans. Most recent stage work (2014) was in "Blue Print To Freedom: An ode To Bayard Rustin" directed by Phylicia Rashad at the La Jolla Playhouse, Death of A Salesman at South Coast Repertory Theater an and August Wilson's "Jitney" performed at The South Coast repertory Theater and The Pasadena Playhouse to superlative reviews and recognition by critic Charles McNulty as one of the ten best plays in America in 2012 and the winner of two Los Angeles Drama Circle Awards. Coming to television 2015 is "The Whitney and Bobby Story, The Whitney Houston Story" (playing her father John Houston) directed by Angela Bassett. As a writer, Mr. Watson has worked with or developed projects for Dick Berg, Viacom, Productions, Arsenio Hall Productions, exec. producer Charles Johnson (Magnun P.I., Jag, N.C.I.S.) and others. Mr. Watson's production company, Vision Entertainment enjoys a collaboration with Emmy-winning executive producer Renee Valente. Together they are developing feature films, stage and television projects.