Davis Pak movie list

Davis Pak was born in Los Angeles, California. His brother, actor Carson Pak, though two years older, has been mistaken for his twin, despite significant differences in their height, demeanor, and appearance. The two have worked on several of the same productions, but their first on-screen appearance together was at the ages of 6 and 8 years old - live, onstage, at the 88th Academy Awards. - The post-performance debate rages on as to who boasts the better stage swagger (or "sha-wagger", as it were.) Davis has long-considered himself an expert in varied fields, ranging from foreign and regional accents (first delivered in authentic baby-talk) to pulling off devastating dramatic readings (before he could actually read). He has historically enjoyed watching himself "perform" on security monitors in store entrances, as the feedback tends to be immediate. He has mistaken the crowd forming behind him as fellow talent waiting on deck, no mind paid to baskets and carts in tow. In an ever-encouraging spirit of camaraderie, he has been known to incorporate into these acts generous sprinklings of thumbs-ups and waves to the others. Davis studies Taekwondo and enjoys a well-marbled cut of wagyu. To date, he remains willing to pull out his modified "chicken-crab" dance (for beef). He claims to only "talk English" yet can suddenly speak the language of any national cuisine, when it comes to ordering food. This includes all manner of diphthongs, drawls, glottal stops, and clicks. Likewise, he belts out Taekwondo tenets and creeds in Korean like an authentic master, while burning off anticipatory calories for a steak dinner. A medium rare Hokkaido A5 set before him is the one time Davis is reliably, introspectively, reverently, quiet - a deviation from his typically interactive, young self.