Erica Page movie list

Vivacious, warm and compassionate - just a few words to describe Erica Page. With over a decade of credits under her belt, Erica has graced the screen for hit shows including Sleepy Hollow, Saints and Sinners, Ozark, Dynasty, The Resident, Last Call and now, The Oprah Winfrey Network's Ambitions. As the oldest of nine children, and a bilingual Mexican/American, Erica is a born leader and known for perseverance and ambition in her career. Discovering her passion for acting in her early 20's, Meisner trained Page has completed studies in viewpoints and movement, voice and dialect, and improv to develop her skill-set for both large and small screens. Erica's hobbies include cooking, strength and weight training, and catching up on her favorite shows. A consummate entertainer, she hosts dinner parties for family and friends every chance she gets.