Kerry Malloy movie list

Kerry Malloy currently appears as Paul Santino on NBC's Manifest. After completing his acting degree from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, casting director Kathleen Chopin pulled Kerry in to audition for Stephen Frears' HBO biopic Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight. Just out of school and with no union status, Frears and HBO decided to Taft-Hartley Malloy into the project and dropped him into a small supporting roll opposite the likes of Christopher Plummer and Frank Langella. Painting it as a trial by fire Malloy says "how I snuck on there I don't know. It was absolutely terrifying. It was this incredible set - impeccable recreation - of the supreme court, and as the actors were called to set, these imposing judges chairs started filling up with these absolute legends. And I got to scream at them all day. Terrifying and totally magnificent, which kind of describes this whole industry. I felt so stupidly lucky." He would go on to perform in projects helmed by other bigwigs - small supporting roles in Martin Scorcese's Wolf of Wall Street and Baz Luhrmanns Netflix saga The Get Down, not an unimpressive start. "You think so? I'm just trying to learn something new each time. Theater was really my first playground and my first love, so I stay close to that." Kerry has performed with theater companies including BAM, New York Theatre Workshop and The Williamstown Theatre Festival. But the theater company closest to his heart these days? "Naked Angels. Absolutely." In addition to a weekly cold reading series, Naked Angels takes workshops into the foster care system and juvenile detention centers. "We get to have these kids write their hearts out and then we perform their work. Seeing them come alive when we do is really something pretty special." And about that Manifest role; will we be seeing more of Kerry in a second season of Manifest? "Oh my gosh, I should be so lucky. I wish I knew. My money is on renewal for a strong second season, but whether or not you'll see me only Jeff Rake knows. I hope so! They've got a tremendous team over there."