Hayden Summerall movie list

Hayden Summeral was born on April 4, 2005 to Tisha and Jimmy Summerall in Dallas, Texas. He has three older brothers named: Dylan, Jimmy, and Hunter. He resides in Los Angeles, California with his parents and his brothers. He has over 2.7 million followers on Instagram and over 950,000 subscribers on YouTube. He collaborated with Annie LebLanc on the cover of an Alex & Sierra's song "Little do you Know." The music video currently has 43 million views on YouTube. In 2018 he starred in the feature film "Next Level" with friends Lauren Orlando & Emily Skinner. He released his debut single in 2018 called "Smiles for you" that peaked at #7 on the iTunes Pop Chart. He has also starred in the Film "Chicken Girls" as "TK".