Sergey Gazarov movie list

Sergey Gazarov graduated in 1980 from GITIS - The Russian University of Theatrical Arts named after Lunacharsky, the actor department (art workshop of Oleg Tabakov). While studying he actively participated in the foundation of the legendary Moscow Theater Studio "Tabakerka" under the guidance of Oleg Tabakov. After graduating Sergey Gazarov was invited to the Moscow State Theatre "Sovremennik". Numerous roles in the plays of world famous writers such as Shakespeare, Moliere, Olby, Saltykov-Shedrin, Ostrovsky, Bulgakov, Gogol and others brought recognition and acceptance among the public and the critics. For many years there were no single play where he wouldn't have performed the main part. Cinema and theater have uniquely intervened in his career of an actor and director. In 1990 he debuted as a film director with the movie «Crazy». The movie won the Grand-Prix Award of the Young European Filmmakers Festival in Angers (France). In 1991 he founded a movie company «Nikita And Pyotr». In 1991 he staged the play «The Government Inspector» («Revizor») in Oleg Tabakov Theatre-Studio that won the Union Of Theatrical Workers' Prize for the best director's debut of the year. In 1993 he shot a TV version of a philosophical parable «Helen & The Navigator» awarded the best TV film of the year. In 1996 he produced and directed the movie «The Government Inspector» («Revizor») co-production of «Nikita and Pyotr» and «Most-Group Company». The movie was highly appreciated by the critics and public. It was nominated in a few categories at the Montreal World Film Festival. Gazarov took home the awards for Best Artistic Contribution and Innovation. From 1998 to 2001 he worked as the principal director at the Mo scow Drama Theater after Dzhigarhanyan where he significantly renewed the troupe and staged a few widely accepted plays "The Homecoming" by H.Pinter and "The Government Inspector" by N.Gogol. Starting 2015 Sergey Gazarov is teaching theatrical arts at the Academy of Cinematographic and Theater Arts after N. Mikhalkov. He is the director of the graduation project "Metamorphosis" 9 mini plays after A. Chekhov ("Revenge") and I. Bunin ("Last Meeting", "Light Breath" etc) short stories. In 2016 Gazarov has been staging a new play by A. Galin "Parade" at the "Sovremennik" Theater in Moscow.