Kelsey Lee movie list

Kelsey Lee is a Actress, Model, Singer-Song Writer, Screenplay Writer, Radio and Champion Equestrian. Kelsey Lee featured as a lead role in Film: The Turn In The Sun playing as the oldest daughter, Ashling and also known for Neimand, Trafficked, FAZ and Cross 3. Commercials: Pizza Hut, Nike, Cadillac, and Stage Stores. TV: School Of Rock (Nickelodeon), Stuck In The Middle (Disney), American Housewife (ABC), Blackish (ABC) and Lady Dynamite. She has been featured in several magazines: ManilaUp Magazine International and Belle Vie Magazine. Kelsey Lee is an Award Winning Model Of The Year. She has been TV/Radio Host for, The Chef You and I, Timeless Performers, Lets Just Talk Radio/Teen Expert (iHeartRadio), OITN TV and Red Carpet Host For Jade Love Kids Foundation.