Isaiah Rockcliffe movie list

Isaiah Rockcliffe Bio Those flashing green-blue eyes that you see belong to young Isaiah Rockcliffe, born in 2008, 4'5" (and growing quickly) ball of energy actor of Guyanese/Portuguese and Jamaican heritage. Isaiah grew up in a home surrounded by music and dance showing early signs for the love of the arts, thanks to his mother who is a professional hip hop dancer, actor and model. Acting from the age of four, Isaiah's first moment in front of the camera was for Shopper's Drug Mart. This led to work in film and television with credits that range from The Expanse (Season 2), Baroness Von Sketch (Season 4), The Handmaid's Tale (Season 2), Kids CBC, Parental Guidance: Dress Up and Jay Baruchel's upcoming feature, Random Acts of Violence, augmented by a variety of commercials and print ads for clients including McDonalds, RBC, McCain's, Wal-Mart, Shoppers Optical and Dempsters. Isaiah also starred in the first of a two-part series of corporate shorts, Aimee and Zee, for AMD computers, in which he plays the son of the US Vice President. And he has just been cast in the series, How to Hero, for PBS and will appear as 'Ty' in the upcoming feature, Becky. Isaiah has also performed on stage, starring in the title role of The Adventures Of Pinnochio for The Pirandello Theatre Society, as 'Oompa Loompa' in Willy Wonka, as one of 'The Unknowns' in StompTO Champions 2017 and 2018, and as 'D'Lyfe Jr.' in JerkFest 2017. Isaiah's training is extensive, and, for someone his age, impressive: Competitive Gymnastics at the provincial level at Toronto Gymnastics International (TGI) and now at East York Gymnastics, competitive dance with Sean Boutilier, the Triple Threat Programme (Singing, Acting, Dancing) at The Randolph Academy, three years of African Dance, studying with Akua Delfish at D'Lyfe Dance Company, Hip Hop, studying with Neeks, also at DLyfe and Creative Movement with Nicole B. Nigro at Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre. Based in Toronto, Isaiah is equally fluent in English and French and spends his free time doing what every other 9-year-old with limitless energy does: skating in the winter, badminton, baseball and soccer in the summer, swimming year-round, rollerblading, canoeing and cycling. When Isaiah does sit still, he likes to be around animals ... and reptiles. He has had pet geckos since the age of four.