Damian T. Raven movie list

2020 Emmy Nominated Actor and a native of California. Damian Raven grew up in the silicon valley of San Jose. His Career began at the age of 5, when he and his mother Elaine Raven, bumped into a well know actor from the TV show S.W.A.T. and given a contact at the "Brebnar Agency" in San Francisco. Before long, Damian Raven was on the billboards for Macy's, Emporium & Capwell, Levis, and Mervyn's as well as touring California in various fashion shows and commercial shoots. From that point on Damian Raven has dedicated himself to entertainment. Multi-talented as an Actor, Singer/Songwriter, Martial Arts and Yoga instructor, and Scriptwriter, Damian Raven is a true artist who appreciates and loves the craft.