Caleb J. Spivak movie list

American actor, model, and entrepreneur Caleb J. Spivak was born in Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, England to Air Force veterans Mark Ian and Lisa Hay Spivak. Caleb and his older brother Joshua Aaron Spivak could often be spotted sharing the stage at early ages, performing alongside in Theatres wherever the military took his family including in Italy and New York. In 2007, Caleb moved to Atlanta and attended Georgia State University pursuing a degree in Theatre, and dropped out when his company What Now Atlanta was acquired. The burgeoning Hollywood scene in the South afforded Caleb the opportunity to pursue acting for film and television simultaneously. He began studying the Meisner Technique in early 2015 with actor Erin Elizabeth Burns, known for her role in Stephen King's Cell, and later that year booked his first television role as Harvey Robinson in Investigation Discovery's Your Worst Nightmare.