Michael Lawrence Potter movie list

Michael Lawrence Potter is an actor, screenwriter and attorney residing in Johannesburg South Africa. Potter studied law at the University of Pretoria qualifying as an attorney in 2018. Getting his start on the stand up comedy circuit in 2018 Potter soon turned his attention to theatre. In 2019 Michael penned and performed a sell out play "Looking for Audrey" for three nights at the PopArt theatre. The play detailed a man's struggle with his delusional relationship with actress Audrey Hepburn which he played alongside Chanel Du Toit. During the pandemic year of 2020 Michael spent his time starring in three independent films together with Looped Pictures and wrote and produced an experimental film "Inside". The film was shoot entirely during lock down using Zoom and amateur film making techniques winning awards at several online festivals. In 2021 Michael played a supporting role as "Bobby" in the critically acclaimed Alaistar Orr's American horror-thriller "Triggered". In 2021 Potter was revealed as playing "Brandon Thomas" in the South African television show "Ubettina Wethu" on SABC 1 and the Viu App. Michael is set to star as "John" in the upcoming 2021 slasher remake "Slumber Party Massacre".