James R. Frey movie list

James R. Frey was born in Olongapo, Philippines. His father was enlisted in the United States Navy which allowed him to travel and live in many different places. After leaving the Philippines he lived in Guam, Japan, Mississippi and visited countries such as Hawaii and South Korea. The exposure to different cultures was instrumental to his development as a growing child and gave him the respect to other people's way of life. Most children have difficulty with traveling to so many places in such a short period but that never deterred him from making friends, no matter how short those relation ships might be. Upon arriving in the United States James had an understanding of how people were different and accepting those differences helped mold his character. Growing up in an abusive household James learned compassion and how to handle high levels of stress at an early age. Due to the negativity he lost his way for some years before deciding to take matters into his own hands. He enlisted in the United States Navy and even had the same job title as his father who served 22 years. Holding the title of E-3 Aviation Administration he was stationed in Norfolk Virginia where he served honorably for four years. During this time he traveled to South Korea, Australia and Japan as part of a military exercise and was the only one in his department when they aided in the Taiwan disaster relief mission. After serving in the Navy he continued his education and gravitated towards film studies and decided he wanted to be an actor. With no real connections in the business he decided to become a background actor which allowed him to see the overall process of how a movie is produced. Always learning the lingo and structure he understood how valuable on the job training was. After awhile James wanted to know how things worked behind the scenes and worked as a props assistant on the show Salem. During the first couple of years he was just a background actor that moved up to doing some stunt work on Salem and also had a commercial principle role for a local business in Shreveport LA. This really started the fire to pursue acting as a full time career. Constantly learning and evolving his craft he means to make it as a bankable actor who loves to challenge himself to one day be able to play wonderful characters on the big screen.