Kris D. Lofton movie list

Lofton is born from mother, Angela Lofton and father Willie Lofton and also has one sister, Kristan Lofton. At the tender age of 8, he wrote his first song, recorded it and passed it out at school to all his friends in the lunch room and gym. With his talent quickly taking the notice of others, Lofton was offered the opportunity to play a role in the movie "Hardball" in 2001 starring Keanu Reaves. This big screen film led him to being featured on the "Hardball" music video featuring Lil' Wayne, Lil' Zane, Sammie and Bow Wow at 12 years old. Upon graduating from Proviso West High School in 2006, the same year, Lofton became the Walmart Back-to-College Spokesperson, as well as made an appearance on MTV's "My Super Sweet Sixteen", an NBC 5 News Segment and various McDonald's commercials. As busy as Lofton was, his passion and talent only drove him to do more, leading him to the 2008 movie "The Promotion" starring Jon C. Riley and Sean William Scott and the more recent 2008 Tyler Perry hit movie "Meet the Browns" as the role of "Calvin." Aside from his first love of acting, he also has a love for music which was present way before movie roles were being thrown his way. "Triple threat" is not the word, for Lofton raps, sings, writes songs, articles, and even movie scripts. He also contributes his "photographic memory" as to much of his success. Lofton has always been a star, even off the screens, and specifically in school where he served as a star athlete at basketball and in football. Upon high school graduation, he was offered a baseball scholarship to Grambling State University but turned it down to pursue his dream entertainment career.