Dallas Page movie list

A star collegiate basketball player, Diamond Dallas Page entered the nightclub business in the 1970s, becoming one of South Florida's top club owners and promoters. He began training to become an in-ring performer at the age of 35, the oldest rookie in Pro Wrestling history. "DDP" captivated audiences around the world with matches alongside greats like Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Ric Flair, Randy "Macho Man" Savage, and the N.W.O. before being inducted to the WWE Hall Of Fame. In 2011, Page launched DDP YOGA for non-yoga audiences. Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased the program's DVDs and subscribed to its one-of-a-kind DDPYOGANOW APP. DDPY is regularly used by many notable athletes and touring musicians. Page has also excelled in the film and television worlds. Projects include The Resurrection Of Jake The Snake, Ready To Rumble, First Daughter, Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects, Hollywood Squares, and Shark Tank. He stars in the upcoming Adi Shankar series, Gods & Secrets.