Katrina Grey movie list

Katrina Grey is an award winning filmmaker originally from Slovakia. She began her career as an action/drama actress in various Hollywood movies such as "Hard Target 2", French movie "Brice 3" and horror movie "Ghost House". She also starred in the sci-fi series "Future Love" for Blackpills, a true story series about Siamese twins "Extraordinary Siamese Story: Eng and Chang" on Disney+ Hotstar and the true story drama series "The Serpent" for BBC ONE/Netflix. In 2020 she graduated with a master's degree in Development Economics at Mendel University in Czech Republic. As a first time filmmaker she wrote, directed, produced and starred in the psychological drama feature film called"Daytime Nightmare" which has won 26 awards in Festivals. For her directorial debut " Daytime Nightmare", Katrina has been recognised as the first Slovak woman to make a horror film. She founded the film production company Grey Films UK and sound-post production/film score company Audio Post House UK.