MJ Caballero movie list

MJ Caballero was born in Granada, Spain. Since she was a child, movies and television have been her passion. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Audiovisual Communication and right after finishing her studies she started working in the production department of some of the most renown tv series at the time: Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso, Los Misterios de Laura (adapted by NBC as The Mysteries of Laura) or El Secreto de Puente Viejo. She is also de Line Producer of the critically acclaimed webseries Libres, which has been awarded in over 10 festivals around the world. MJ moved to Los Angeles in 2013 to perfect her skills as a producer, where she got a Certificate in Business and Management of Entertainment at UCLA extension. Since living in Los Angeles she has worked in the production of several feature films, pilot episodes and short films. For her, production is not a job, but a lifestyle.