Gigi Gaston movie list

Over the course of an accomplished creative career, Olympian turned Writer-Director Gigi Gaston has optioned many screenplays to Miramax, New Line, Universal, and Fox, directed music videos, features and an award winning Sundance documentary and managed musicians on labels including Sony, RCA, Warner Brothers, Wind-Up and RYKO. Recently returned to screenwriting full time after successful runs in each of those artistic pursuits, as of summer 2018 she is at work on multiple projects in various stages of development, including Fly Girls, a limited series set in the world of female WWII pilots with Executive Producer Tommy Thompson. A native of Greenwich Connecticut and lifelong storyteller, Gaston began pursuing Olympic Equestrian Show Jumping at 11, and became the youngest rider ever to win an Olympic Competition when she took top honors at the Washington International Horse Show. Continuing to ride competitively, she also began to write and optioned her first script, Like a Lady, to Weinstein and Drew Barrymore. Additional script sales and options followed, including Mockingbird, an action-sci-fi-love story based on the award-winning Walter Tevis novel of the same name to Mary Parent and Steve Tisch, an historical drama Madame Lepescue, which Universal purchased for director Ron Howard in a high six-figure deal, as well as Adaptive Ultimate for Leonard Goldberg, Strays for Sid Sheinberg, and Unreliably Yours to Garry Marshal, and Island of the Blue Dolphin for Universal Family. Gaston made her directorial debut shortly thereafter with Sundance Channel documentary, The Cream Will Rise, showcasing the elusive, Grammy nominated singer/songwriter, Sophie B.Hawkins to rave reviews. Since that time she has directed countless music videos (including Olivia Newton John's hyped 2001 reprisal of I Honestly Love You), as well as the action-heist Rip It Off, starring Nastassia Kinski, Alyson Hannigan and Jennifer Esposito, produced by Tucker Tooley. In 2013, she wrote and directed the hit musical play, Room 105: The Highs and Lows of Janis Joplin, which starred Sophie B. Hawkins in the title role and was held over for an extended run in Los Angeles. Critics hailed it as "enlightening," "an absolute must-see," and "impressively written and directed," bestowing writer/director Gaston "kudos for going deep." Gaston spent the next few years developing stage projects on both coasts with colleagues including Tony Award Winning Artist Thomas Meehan (Annie, The Producers and Hairspray), famed Broadway Producer Jed Bernstein and Tony/Emmy/Drama Desk Award Winning actress Kristin Chenoweth before returning to screenwriting in 2015, scripting a comedy adaptation of Mike Shroposhire's novel The Pro for Bumbershoot Productions. She has also completed the heartbreaking love story drama Alone Together: The Life of Teddy and J. Paul Getty. In addition to Fly Girls, Gaston just completed The Libby Holeman Story, a diverse female project of famed singer Libby Holeman torn between the richest man in America and the richest female. She also developing a female vigilante movie, The Mark of the Eagle, as well as in development to direct Dixie Silver, an action packed female stripper on the run, that she plans to direct.