Brian F. Durkin movie list

You have seen him on the big and small screens in productions such as "Stranger Things", "The Walking Dead", "Brockmire", "Footloose", "Anchorman 2", "Killing Reagan" and soon in the remake of "Superfly" and Netflix's "Highwaymen". Brian Durkin began his acting career in 2004 and has appeared in more than 45 film and television projects since. Born in Charlotte, NC, but raised in Georgia and Florida, Brian earned a degree in building construction science from the University of Florida. He also has an MBA with a focus in Real Estate from Georgia State University. Between degrees Brian moved to Los Angeles in 2001 to pursue his acting career. Starting with a Basic Scene Study course at Howard Fine Studio, Brian quickly garnered the attention of Howard Fine and was put in his Advanced Scene Study Course. Brian's first project came in 2004 playing Perry Adair in "Bobby Jones - Stroke of Genius" as Jim Caviezel's (Bobby Jones) best friend. He has worked with Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, Kenneth Branagh, Kathy Bates, Denzel Washington, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Kevin Kline, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson and Bill Paxton, to name a few. Brian is married to Mary Catherine Fortner and has two children, Evelyn Wiley, age seven, and Samuel Nelson, age five. Brian makes his home in Sandy Springs, Georgia and is represented by the People Store Agency.