Domenic Di Rosa movie list

Born on February 1, 1979 in the east end of Montréal. First break out role was as one of the TNT brothers Tim Eckert on the Hit YTV series Big Wolf on Campus. He can be seen on Crave's Letterkenny as Jean-Pierre the loving Quebec doppelganger to the the Hometown's Squirrely Dan. In 2018 he co-starred in the movie directed by Podz Mafia inc. as the Butcher Toto Russo. Most recently he has played Father Gabriel in National Geographic's limited series Barkskins. He loves writing scripts and aspires to direct one day. His father was also a major influence for him pursuing the dramatic arts. He always said to live life to the fullest with no regrets, laugh as much as you can, and love the ones around you with every moment. " Acting is a way to play out your dreams and be another version of yourself, but if you don't get it right the first time you can always have another take....." Author: Anonymous