Claire Sermonne movie list

Claire Sermonne (born December 26 1985) is a French-Russian actress. She is Lucile in Monsieur Cauchemar (Mister Nightmare), one of the last but not least of Jean-Pierre Mocky's movie, and Louise de Rohan in Outlander Season 2, a British-American television drama series created by Ronald D. Moore and produced by Sony/Left Bank for Starz. She is known for playing Chimène in the stage play Le Cid directed by Alain Ollivier in France at The Nuits de Fourvière festival. She is also known for playing Marguerite in the stage play La Dame aux camélias directed by Frank Castorf at Odéon-theatre of Europe in Paris. She played Valérie Marneff in La Cousine Bette directed by Frank Castorf at The Volksbühne in Berlin. She was last seen at the Avignon festival IN playing the historian in the last Valère Novarina stage play, Le Viviers des noms. Claire Sermonne is also a founder of the theater festival Le Festival du Nouveau Théâtre Populaire in the West of France. Claire is a graduate of the Art Theater School of Moscow (MXAT). She was a student of Alla Pokrovskaia, Dmitri Brusnikin, and Roman Kozak